jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


diario de nikki 10

autora: Rachel Renée Russell

este libro trata de que Nikki queda con Brandon y al ir a Fuzzy Friends el refugio de animales de Brandon se encuentran ¡¡¡a una perrita que se llama Holly y sus 7 cachorros!!! Nikki tendrá que esconderlos en su casa durante 24 horas sin que sus padres se enteren...¡una tarea nada facil!

Resultado de imagen de diario de nikki 10

domingo, 8 de enero de 2017

tertublog english

                        SALLY'S PHONE

The author of this book is Christine Lindop

This book is about a girl (Sally) went to a mall and she change her phone with  a boy (Paul) . They meet and their mobiles were returned. And they started dating

I liked the book because Is very short, but very interesting and have phone calls. Is very funny

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